Ingeborg Stadelmann

A Consultation with a Midwife

This book is a veritable treasure trove for anyone seeking information on natural pregnancy, childbirth and childbed.

Ingeborg Stadelmann is Germany’s most popular midwife and mother of three children. She wrote her book for expectant parents and fellow midwives. Consultation with a Midwife takes readers from the beginning of pregnancy to childbirth, then going on to discuss breast-feeding and the postnatal phase. It provides advice and tips on herbal medicine, homoeopathy and aroma therapy.

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»Since the publication of ›Consultation with a Midwife‹, there has been a perceivable change in the way pregnancy, childbirth and childbed – until the end of the breastfeeding period – are dealt with.« Magdalene Weiss, Former president of the German Midwives’ Association.

Sensitive, natural guidance through pregnancy, childbirth, childbed and breast-feeding with herbal medicine, homoeopathy and aroma therapy. Order in foreign countries only by Prepayment. Please do not hesitate to contact us for any improvements or interests for production or distribution. We are thankful to any ideas of improvement!

The source of this translation is the edition of 2005.
EUR 34,80

ISBN 978-3969140369
480 Pages, Paperback
Translation of the edition of 2005 by Judith Rosenthal
available in Germany
free shipping in Germany

For international orders: available as a print-on-demand version at Amazon.

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